Occupational Health challenges:

Issues Facing Occupational Health Professionals

Medical surveillance:

Your job is to ensure employees are up to date on their mandatory screening and exams. But, can you easily select employees and assign them to surveillance groups based on job and location? Is it time consuming communicating with employees about scheduled appointments and exam results? Can you report on all employees who are behind in their screening?


Have you or anyone else in your clinic ever had to spend hours or even days pulling paper files to assemble aggregate health information? Can you easily provide management with reports on what is causing visits to the clinic; i.e., clinic visit log, clinic visit utilization?

 Data collection:

Can you easily manage and report on the data from clinic visits, exams, flu clinics, wellness programs, and lab results?


How much time do you spend on the phone or emailing and faxing documents? Would it be easier if a report about the employee’s disposition were sent automatically to the employee, his or her supervisor, to Safety, to Workers’ Compensation, so you can focus on patient care?


Can you demonstrate the value of the clinics’ services? Can you show the time savings for employees from attending at an onsite clinic for, say, physical therapy, as opposed to the lost time when an employee has to travel to a clinic or hospital some distance away?

Find out how Swiesh’s Occupational Health Suite can help you with these challenges.