Safety Challenges:

Difficulties in Safety Management Systems


Can you easily track not just injuries and illnesses, but near misses, transportation mishaps, and environmental releases? Can you identify the root cause of why an incident occurred so it doesn’t happen again? Do you include your supervisors and managers in the incident investigation process?  Is there an automated investigation process so the safety professional can approve or reject the explanation and conclusions reached?

Proactive risk assessment:

Can you track, make sense of, and act on leading indicators? Can you assess risks at a job level, at the process level, and at the task level? Do you have easily accessible matrices that quickly identify your risk levels? Can you use the data to develop proactive programs that reduce, or even eliminate, injuries and illnesses in the first place?

Task management:

Is it difficult for you to assign audits, worksite assessments, and, corrective actions to employees, supervisors, and safety colleagues? Is it difficult or time consuming to follow up on the status of these tasks?  Can you run reports that summarize where each of these tasks are in the process, who’s doing what, what’s due when, and if you’re on track?


Can you easily track employee lost and restricted work days? Can you exchange information seamlessly with the health clinic and with the nurse case managers without multiple forms and redundant data entry? Do you find yourself spending too much time on the phone with your TPA, WC group, or insurer passing on such information?


Do you have an efficient way of managing training requirements based on job, department and location? Can you easily put together the course catalog, sessions, and manage attendance?

Find out how Swiesh’s Safety Suite can help you with these challenges.